We inspire and strengthen your company towards a more powerful and healthier success story which innovates and has a positive influence on the world, starting today

Exploring Strategy

You may recognize the situation in which your success blocks your attention for renewal and innovation. Horizon11 thinks along with you about the (re)development and implementation of your strategy.

Together we make sure that your company becomes more able to anticipate to new opportunities for market, product- or technology-development. In this process we also look into the optimal deployment of your people. We thereby increase the future-proofness of your company (profit & impact)

“You don’t have to be sick to become better” – Paul Rulkens


  • We carried out in dept 360 strategy scans
  • We developed organisations with a more innovative and open culture
  • We build high performance organisaties
  • We developed consumer focused strategies (Fork2Farm)
  • We successfully implemented and executed innovative market and sales strategies


To keep growing successfully as a company in this fast changing world, it is important to service (potential) clients better and anticipate faster to new wishes of consumers. To be better, faster and more connected to the market, a company needs time, energy, and knowledge. Horizon11 offers you the fastest and most effective ways to co-create new services and products together with your customer. We have access to the right people, networks and methods to realise opportunities in the market and develop new products.

“Get out of the building’” – Steve Blank

The Next Food Lab Faster, more efficient and more promising innovations. In just 3 steps from idea to validated scalable market propositions
Your Startup Lab The development of a (your own) startup with an innovating product, business model and team, fitting your future vision
Business Modeling The development of new business models within your existing market or new product/marktet combinations


International markets and complex challenges demand collaboration with others in your industry, with the government and/or international partners. Within this complex world Horizon11 creates collaborations and strategic partnerships with these parties which makes things easier, more clear and interesting to be involved in new adventures to create more impact together.
“Alone you go faster, together you go further” – African proverb

Horizon11 offers

  • Market exploration and -development for companies that want to set up shop somewhere else or would like to expand to other countries and continents
  • Development of new collaborations which increase the chance of becoming successful
  • Supercharger, director and partner of successful consortia and joint ventures